Discover Recovery is an outpatient alcohol and drug addiction treatment program designed to help participants achieve lasting sobriety.
With a focus on care that integrates substance abuse and mental health support, we help guide participants toward a path of recovery, offering the support and resources needed to lead a healthier, drug-free life.
Medi-cal accepted. Self-referrals accepted. Sliding scale fees. Serves all genders.
Offered in English and Spanish.
EmpowHER is an intensive outpatient treatment program dedicated to helping women find hope, resiliency and life-affirming change.
Drive by an evidence-based curriculum and combined with holistic practices, EmpowHER supports women in recovery by helping them gain the strength, knowledge and skills needed to thrive.
Our gender-responsive program is specifically designed to address the unique needs of women in recovery. Women attend three to five days per week, four hours per day, for a minimum of three months.
Program services include:
Medi-cal accepted. Self-referrals accepted. Sliding scale fees.
Break the Cycle teaches participants the skills they need to work through anger and end their violence. Our programming examines belief systems, gender roles, socialization, the nature of violence, the dynamics of power and control, and the effects of abuse on children and others. Participants identify and practice non-violent behavioral altneratives.
Program is 16-week or 52-weeks in duration. The 52-week program meets treatment requirement for those sentenced under California Penal Code Section 1203.097.
Referrals accepted from Probation, Child and Family Services, and self-referrals. Sliding scale fees.
Serves all genders. Offered in English and Spanish.
Certified by the San Mateo County Probation Department.
The objective of the Driving-Under-the-Influence Program is to reduce the number of repeat DUI offenses and provide participants an opportunity to address problems related to the use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Our program helps offenders comply with loca court, state system, and DVM mandates. Services included individual and group counseling and education.
First Offender Programs include:
Wet and Reckless (12 Hours)
3-Months (32 Hours)
6-Months (45 Hours)
9-Months (60 Hours)
Serves all genders. Offered in English and Spanish.
Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ) is designed for a population of drug offenders, who enter a plea of guilty or nolo contendere ("no contest") to legally-specified drug-related charges. The offenders are ordered to participate in a program of drug education and counseling.
Offenders successfully completing DEJ benefit from having their plea withdrawn and case dismissed at the end of their term of DEJ. They are also placed on DEJ probation, usually for 12-18 months, during which their performance is monitored by a DEJ Deputy Probation Officer (DPO). The DPOs monitor treatment progress and any new arrests. They report their findings to the Court and recommend potential court actions.
Referrals accepted from Probation.
Serves all genders. Offered in English and Spanish.
Our goal at Sitike is to empower you to become responsible and accountable for your own recovery while providing support and guidance along the way. Drug and alcohol screening ensures that you stay accountable and stick with your treatment plan.
Studies show that consistent drug and alcohol monitoring in early recovery can lead to better outcomes. Our drug screening and monitoring services include individualized and random screening to help you meet your recovery goals.
Referrals accepted from Probation, Child and Family Services, Prop 36, Deferred Entry of Judgment, Drug Court, and self-referrals.
Serves all genders. Offered in English and Spanish.
Sitike offers alcohol and other drug assessments for individuals seeking addiction treament. Sitike utilizes the ASAM Criteria, the most widely used and comprehensive set of standards for placement, continued service, and transfer of individuals with addiction and co-occurring conditions.
The ASAM Criteria's strength-based multidimensional assessment takes into account a participants needs, obstacles and liabilities, as well as their strengths, assets, resources, and support structure. This information is used to determine the appopriate level of care across a continuum.
Based on the results of the assessment, participants are referred to the appropriate level of care.
Referrals accepted from Probation, Child and Family Services, and self-referrals.
Serves all genders. Offered in English and Spanish.